Rolf-Erik Nystrøm- Saxofonist and Composer
Nina Biong -Dancer
Silje Aker Johnsen- Singer & Dancer
In this new piece Gunhild Bjørnsgaard probes the depths of composer Georges Aperghis’ world. His music requires great precision, evoking a journey through the unconscious, through the undisclosed dimensions of the performer. Aperghis is a composer who challenges the musicians by having them employ theatre methods as an important aspect of their communication with an audience and as a significant element of the piece performed. The story finds expression through an struggle over the capacity of the individual – a journey in thousand rooms with unexpected changes.
Gunhild Bjørnsgaard has been working for these four last years, on the influences of the music and the dance operate on each over. Musicians and dancers share on stage their techniques and confront themselves to their own limits. The inability to act, as a consequence of our mental and physical limits is a central theme of the Company B. Valiente’s projects. «Thousand rooms» combines a saxophone, a soprano, and a dancer around scores of Georges Aperghis’ as a starting point. The composer Rolf-Erik Nystrøm has also allowed himself to be influenced and chal- lenged by Aperghis music, and thereby he has created his own music.
In the choreography concert there are demanding musical compositions, that constantly challenge the capacities of the performers. The artists are facing con- stantly throughout the show, the limits of their knowledges. The three performers through prowess, virtuosity and excellence, raise the question of their own artistic practices.
Concept/idea/choreography: Gunhild Bjørnsgaard
Music: Georges Aperghis and Rolf Erik Nystrøm
Text: Georges Aperghis Saxophonist: Rolf Erik Nystrøm
Dancer/singer: Silje Aker johnsen
Dancer: Nina Biong
Artistic advisor: Marcelino Martin Valiente
Light designers: Marcelino Martin Valiente, Jahn Slåttum, Jean Vincent Kerebel
Light technician: Jahn Slåttum
Sound technician: Christopher Munthe
Assistant producer: Gro Siri Ognøy Johansen
Photo and graphic design/poster: Fabrice Bats
Graphic design/program: Månelyst as
Supported by Norwegian Art Council and Norwegian Fund for Performing Artists.
Co-producer: International Dance festival CODA.
The performance is presented in collaboration with Riksscenen – The Norwegian Hub for Traditional Music and Dance
Special thanks to Georges Aperghis, the Norwegian Embassy in Paris and HÅG.
The following works of music, have been adapted for THOUSAND ROOMS
Composer: Rolf Erik Nystrøm «Hommage à la Légende d’Eer» «Papillon»
Scores and texts by composer/writer: Georges Aperghis «Les Secrets Élémentaires”, Movement 1 «PUB 1» and «PUB 2», «Recitation 11», «Recitation 14», «Cinq Couples» no. 5, «280 mesures pour clarinet», Texts: «Tirade (Double)» and «Portrait»
In Norwegian:
of Gerard Mayen (French journalist) DANSER, 28th September 2012 at Maison des arts de Creteil, organized by Centre Développement Chorégraphique du Val-de-Marne.
of Sophie Braseth (Norwegian journalist) Avisa Nordland, 11 of August 2012
of Manon Cazes (French journalist) The net news: Le Clou dans la Planche, 5.december 2012.
In English:
of Manon Cazes (French journalist) The net news: Le Clou dans la Planche, 5.december