a performance by Marcelino Valiente

Try to remember words and recompose images, as if you are reassembling the pieces of a long-fragmented puzzle. Don’t search for your DNA, but rather explore what you become through contact with others, landscapes, movements, colors, languages. Engage in this shared wandering not as a journey or expedition, but as a body that is affected by what it has seen and experienced – by the things that have marked you. You may feel an inability to continue alone and an instinct to call for help. Along with the need to be accompanied by new forces, new thirsts and desires will drive you. Having forgotten your name, your image and your place in time, new forms will become visible to you. Still, you want to find yourself, but the narration or description or visitation or relearning of yourself will never reach a resolution. Instead, it is through all the things that you cannot remember or rediscover– the myriad things buried in your dark matter – that others will read you, as an open book.

In AFFECTED, Marcelino Valiente invites his daughter Marlène and young guitarist Théo on a journey through fiction and reality: an inter-generational search for what can be fixed, and what can be changed.

TEXT, DIRECTION, VIDEO:  Marcelino Valiente
PERFORMERS: Marlène Valiente, Théo Roumier, Marcelino Valiente
MUSIC: Théo Roumier
PRODUCTION:  Company B. Valiente
CO-PRODUCTION: Ring – scène périphérique
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