The two choreographers use video footages from common places of the city of Oslo to organise different contexts. These suggested environments make the bodies more vulnerable and exploitable. Questionning the subjectiviness of the viewer, the performance propose a study of our fears and desires as we lose our references.
Concept & Choreography: Marcelino Martin Valiente and Gunhild Bjørnsgaard Dancers : Victoria Sogn, Bérengère Fournier, Marc Lacourt, Julien Monty Video: Marcelino Martin Valiente Video-editing: Michel Pavlou and Jakob Hultgren. Light: Kurt Hermansen. Production: Company B. Valiente and Rapid Productions Photo: Marcelino Martin Valiente
Performed in Stary browar foundation in Poznan, Andrej Wajda centre in Krakow, Festival Body Mind in Warsaw, Festival CRT-Teatro dell’Arte i Milano.
Supported by: Norwegian Art council, Foundation for sound and pictures, Foundation for stage artists, The Norwegian Ministery of Culture/culture exchange between France and Norway, The Norwegian Embassy in Polen. With help from the French Culture Centre in Oslo.