The accident is a film about a sudden change in life. An external incident/accident turns the main characters life upside down. This is something that is constantly happening, yes, everyday actually, but something we never think will happen to us.
This is the story about Jonas, the car salesman, who is living « the good life »; successful at work, has a large house and a happy family. In the time of a few days however, these things are taken from him one by one and he is tangled into web of adversity. It all starts when a boy is hit by a car. A witness tells the police that it was a black Audi. Jonas is linked to an identical car in connection to his latest sale and becomes the prime suspect. Jonas tries to prove his innocence, but by doing so he only increases the suspicion. After a while he looses his job, his familys trust and the freedom to move around. He starts doing his own investigation to clear his name, but the more he tries to find out the truth, the more he ruins the relationship to the people close to him and the surroundings. Lonely, Jonas finds himself outside familiar landscapes.
Production and distribution
Production Year
Country of origin
Release date (national)
2009-08-29Production Company
Fender Film AS
Kongleveien 18
N-0875 Oslo
Torleif Hauge
Festival Contact
NFI Features